El Nokhba

Seize today and secure tomorrow

El Nokhba is a unique savings plan that provides you with a hassle-free one-time savings option.

It is very useful for individuals who wish to make large one-time savings and at the same time enjoy insurance protection. Depending on the term of the policy and savings return, the single premium can grow several folds till maturity.   

Main benefits for El Nokhba:

  •     Single premium to be paid only at the beginning of the insurance. 
  •     Payment of the investment account balance to the policyholder upon maturity date.
  •     Insurance coverage, in case of death or total and permanent disability (God forbids), the company will pay to the insured or his/ her beneficiaries double the amount of the single premium. 
  •     Available in different currencies EGP or USD.
  •     Possibility of making additional payments, so long as the policy is valid, to increase the investment account balance.

To subscribe to El Nokhba:

  •     Policyholder should not be less than 21 years of age at the beginning of the insurance.
  •     Insured should not be less than 18 years of age and not over 59 years of age at the beginning of the insurance.
  •     Minimum premium is EGP 10,000 or USD 10,000.
  •     Minimum policy duration is 10 years.


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