QNB Group signs MOU with Attijariwafa Bank of Morocco

Posted on : Wed, 24 July 2013

Doha, June 24th 2013- QNB, the World’s Strongest Bank, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Attijariwafa Bank, the first Bank in Morocco and one of the largest in Africa. The MOU will focus on mutual business in various areas such as Capital Markets, Trade Finance and investement flows beteewn Qatar and Morocco

Mr. Abdulla Mubarak Al-Khalifa, (General Manager, Group Corporate & Institutions Banking) who signed the MOU on behalf of QNB said:” At QNB Group, we always look forward to have the right partnership with the right organizations, Attijariwafa Bank is one of those in Africa”

Group signs MOU with Attijariwafa Bank

Mr. Abdulla Mubarak Al-Khalifa (QNB) and Mr. Boubker Jai (Attijariwafa Bank)

“We hope this MOU we signed today will mark a successful business relation and a fruitful cooperation for both our institutions, especially with QNB’s current expansion plans”. Added Mr. Abdulla Mubarak Al-Khalifa

Mr. Boubker Jai, (General Manager) who signed the MOU on behalf of Attijariwafa bank said:”We’re happy to partner with the World’s Strongest Bank, and we are confident that this MOU will be a win-win situation for both our organizations. It will also enable Attijariwafa Bank and QNB clients to be mutually better supported in all ccountries where the two Groups have a presence (Europe, Africa and Asia).

QNB Group continues to establish its presence steadily in Africa, with branches in Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, QNB is set to widen its network through the rest of MENA region.

About Attijariwafa Bank
Established in 1904, Attijariwafa bank group is the first financial and banking group in the Maghreb and WAEMA (UEMOA) areas and a leading player in the EMCCA (CEMAC) region.
The group provides a wide range of financial services through specialized subsidiaries: insurance, consumer credit, mortgage, money transfer, brokerage, investment banking, etc.
The bank boasts a portfolio of 6.2 million customers serviced by more than 15 000 employees.
Attijariwafa bank is based in Casablanca, Morocco and operates in 23 countries through largely controlled subsidiaries.
In Africa : Tunisia, Mauritania, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Congo, Gabon, Cameroun, Togo (and soon in Niger).
In Europe: France, Belgique, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands.
It also has rep offices in London (G.B.), Dubai (UAE)and Tripoli (Libya).